While paying for a Catholic education is an investment in your child’s future, we know the cost of tuition and fees can sometimes be a burden on our families. That's why Saints Bruno & Richard School partners with many programs to provide scholarships and/or tuition assistance to our families who qualify. Below is information on some of the financial aid programs currently available.
Each opportunity has a different application process and qualifying criteria so we encourage you to contact St. Richard School if have questions or require assistance in any way.
Saints Bruno & Richard School partners with FACTS Tuition Management to process our families’ tuition payments. FACTS provides a simple, convenient, secure and completely confidential method of paying tuition. With FACTS Tuition Management, you are able to select a payment type that works best for you and access your own FACTS Tuition account online.
For more information about the FACTS tuition payment program, create a FACTS account on the FACTS website.
Eagle Legacy Scholarship
During November of 2023, many of our own school families were negatively impacted by the decision from our government to not renew the IL Tax Credit
Scholarship Program. This included over 33% of our SBRS 2023/2024 student enrollment, totaling up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
While this news was discouraging to hear, we did not deter from our mission. We continue to advocate for our school community, to do what’s best for you. We are proud to announce that we are able to offer a new financial aid opportunity, the Eagle Legacy Scholarship
Archdiocese of Chicago Scholarships
The Archdiocese of Chicago offers two scholarship programs -- the Phoenix Scholarship and the Caritas Scholarship. The Phoenix Scholarship is awarded to families in Cook and Lake Counties who demonstrate financial need and meet certain other criteria established by the Catholic Education Scholarship Trust (CEST) in conjunction with the Office of Catholic Schools (OCS) of the Archdiocese. The Caritas Scholarship is awarded to families in need of financial support to continue placing their child or children in a Catholic school. Applications for both of these programs must be made by the school principal. To be learn more and discuss eligibility requirements, please contact St. Richard Campus Principal Michelle Augustyn at mnapier@strichard.net.
Big Shoulders Fund
The mission of The Big Shoulders Fund is to provide support to Catholic schools in the neediest areas of inner-city Chicago by providing academic scholarships and need-based tuition assistance. Saints Bruno & Richard School will prequalify families who can potentially be granted Big Shoulders funding. These selected families will need to complete and submit a Smart Tuition Aid application to be considered. It should be noted that scholarships require students to work to the best of their potential.
Illinois Action for Children
Illinois Action for Children is a state program that helps families pay for childcare, including preschool and before and after school care. The goal is to assist low-income parents pay for childcare as the parent strives toward self-sufficiency by engaging in a qualifying activity, such as work, and/or school. To be eligible, parents must be either working and/or in school, and meet income and family size guidelines.
Still need help?
We know the application process for financial aid can be a challenge - Use the button below to contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.