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We are now accepting 2025-26 Registration!

Welcome to the new home of St. Bruno and St. Richard Schools. In 2020, the Archdiocese of Chicago approved the consolidation of these two storied and distinguished schools into a single school.



Distinguished alumni between two storied schools


Combined years of high-quality, Catholic education


Faith-filled students (based on next year's expected enrollment)


Years of teaching experience among the two faculties


Get in touch with us today so we can show you what makes Saints Bruno and Richard School special.  We can answer questions, offer you a virtual or in-person tour, and schedule a personal consultation.

Preschool Students


To the families of Sts. Bruno and Richard School,

It is with great excitement that I write this letter of introduction to you as the new Interim Principal. I have been blessed to be a part of this community for the last six years. I am honored to be able to lead this school community.


Our mission remains the same; to provide a holistic education that fosters academic excellence, spiritual growth, and moral integrity. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where every child can thrive.

I am looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.

Remember, as a team we are stronger!

With Gratitude,
Ms. Laura Finn
Interim Principal

A las familias de los Santos. Escuela Bruno y Richard,


Con gran entusiasmo les escribo esta carta de presentación como nueva directora interina. He tenido la suerte de ser parte de esta comunidad durante los últimos seis años. Me siento honrada de poder liderar esta comunidad escolar.


Nuestra misión sigue siendo la misma; Proporcionar una educación holística que fomente la excelencia académica, el crecimiento espiritual y la integridad moral. Nuestro dedicado cuerpo docente y nuestro personal están comprometidos a brindar un entorno seguro y enriquecedor. donde todos los niños puedan prosperar.


Espero tener una asociación productiva con ustedes para garantizar que nuestros niños puedan alcanzar su máximo potencial. Recuerden, como equipo somos más fuerte!


Con gratitud,

Sra. Laura Finn

Directora Interina


At Sts. Bruno and Richard, we are dedicated to providing our students with a faith-filled curriculum that focuses on academic excellence and Catholic formation. Our school is the result of the merge between St. Bruno and St. Richard schools, and we are proud of our diverse community of learners.


We believe that education goes beyond the classroom, and we offer a range of extracurricular activities and events to ensure that our students have a well-rounded experience.

Kids Learning


Pre-K & K

Early Childhood education focuses on cooperative play, social skills, and the foundations of our Catholic faith.

Grades 1-3

Elementary Education reinforces basic academic concepts and introduces technology skills.

Grades 4-5

In our late Elementary Education program, we teach students how to use technology responsibly and focus on project learning.

Grades 6-8

Our Middle School program prepares students for high school success and solidifies faith formation


Join us for a School Tour and Shadow Day!


When: March 25th, 2025.​

Session A: 9 AM

Session B: 1 PM

Half Day Shadow Day 8 AM- 11 AM​​​​

Sneaker Ball

When: April 12th, 2025.​


Save the date for Sts. Bruno & Richard's Sneaker Ball!



Refer a new family to SBRS and receive a $300 tuition credit after the new family completes their 1st trimester!

2025-26 Programa de Referencia

¡Recomiende a una nueva familia a SBRS y reciba un crédito de matrícula de $300 después de que la nueva familia complete su primer trimestre!


5025 South Kenneth Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60632

Phone: 773-582-8083


Laura Finn

Interim Principal


Mon-Fri 8:00 am-3:00 pm


© 2025 Saints Bruno and Richard School.  All rights reserved.

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